Claudia Slovinsky

Removal Defense and Appeals

Foreign nationals can find themselves in removal proceedings for many different reasons. Some have come to the United States in a legal status but have fallen out of that status for a variety of reasons. Others may be long time green card holders who the government claims have abandoned their residence in the United States. Still other green card holders may have had run-ins with the criminal justice system, even long ago, and now the government seeks to deport them. In some cases, the government may take the position that a foreign national in removal proceedings must be held in detention by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for the duration of their removal proceeding.

Claudia Slovinsky and Associates, PLLC has extensive experience defending both detained and non-detained individuals in removal proceedings, with a track record of successful outcomes. We aggressively challenge the government's case when legally appropriate, using the most up-to-date legal defenses available. We do not shy away from difficult cases. When a waiver or other form of relief is available to avoid removal, our staff works hard to develop the most compelling application possible to present to the court. With years of experience, we can help guide an individual in removal proceedings through the exceedingly complex law that rules this field.

At times, initial proceedings are not successful and an appeal or motions to reopen or reconsider are appropriate. We have substantial experience in taking appeals to the Board of Immigration Appeals and the federal courts, and in making motions. Our persuasive legal writing often turns a case around, giving our client the outcome they seek.